

Semiconductors, Displays

As the 4th Industrial Revolution era comes, autonomous driving, IoT, and 5G are changing our lives.
Semiconductors are essential for these core technologies and industries.
Human life is becoming very convenient and innovative, while products, tools, and equipment are becoming smaller and smaller.
The core components of these products are semiconductors, and semiconductors are becoming more simple structured and highly functional.
As a result, global companies such as Samsung Electronics and TSMC are working hard to develop processes for chip production of 10nm or less,
which is a state-of-the-art process, to miniaturize semiconductors. For this development, processes that need to be managed in detail are becoming important.

PIEZO Technology Co., Ltd. makes modules using TULA (Tiny Ultrasonic Linear Actuators) that are made of simple structures
and have ultra-small and ultra-light structures and delivers semiconductor equipment to everywhere.
We are modifying and manufacturing modules after discussing with customers according to their various usage environments.
As a result, it is predicted that it can be used effectively for equipment used in detailed semiconductor assembly lines.